Friday 24 April 2015

This book is currently in print!! That's right!! It's been a few years, and the files have just been sat on my computer doing NOTHING AT ALL!! SO, the texts all got proofread and edited recently and FINALLY off to be printed. Awaiting the proof copy for me to approve :) Happy times...and happy me!

Monday 10 October 2011

Here it is! The follow on from Marley's World!

So, Marley's Underwater World covers all the creatures in the oceans that couldn't be put under just one continent! I love dolphins, and I couldn't put them in my last set of books as they are in oceans everywhere!! So grab your snorkels and dive in with Marley in his Underwater World! x

Marley's Underwater World

Marley's Underwater World front cover!

And the back cover!

Opening page is a map of the world showing the major oceans and an intro from Marley!